Sunday 12 June 2011

eBay Daily Deals, Big brands with small prices! Check out the Daily Deals!

eBay Daily Deals, Big brands with small prices! Check out the Daily Deals!

Saturday 11 June 2011

When does the new season of Vampire Diaries start? - Vampire Diaries TV Show Answers - Fanpop

When does the new season of Vampire Diaries start? - Vampire Diaries TV Show Answers - Fanpop | True Blood season 4 news, spoilers, photos | True Blood season 4 news, spoilers, photos

Eating out with Lactose Intolerance

Eating out can become difficult, when eating at a restaurant just choose the foods you know are definitely Lactose Free, but it is also worth mentioning to the waiter/waitress that you are lactose intolerant so they can relay the message to the chef, as many restaurant's will do their up most to cater for you.

Attending a party again can become difficult, if you know the host personally it is always safer to try and see the packets or boxes that the food came out of, to be sure it is safe for you to eat.

Where you buy Lactose Free food.

You can buy Lactose Free food from anywhere, it is just a simple case of ALWAYS READING THE LABEL.
However in many supermarkets they have a free from section. A free from section is a part of the store where they sell a range of food for specialised diets such as Lactose free, Gluten free and dairy free.

The food that is available is alternatives such as lactose free Milk, Yoghurt's Cheese, Chocolate, Cakes, Bread, Soup's, Cream, Milkshake's, butter, ready meals and many more.

Soya foods are Lactose free too and they do a wide range of foods too.

Having a Baby with Lactose Intolerance

Having a baby who is lactose intolerant is not easy to start with. Having a 1 year old son who is lactose intolerant i know how difficult it can be.

feeding your baby
Lactose (the sugar) is found in milk of mammals. So your baby will need to be on specialised formula milk that is Lactose Free, doctors can prescribe this for you.

When weaning your baby onto solids ALWAYS READ EVERY LABEL of any product your buying.

If buying baby food in jars/packets there are many brands that specialise in milk free and Lactose free foods. Again its just a case of reading every label of every jar/packet. There are also other brands that produce food where there is not any milk or lactose in the food, but do not state that fact on the jar / packet, so it is just a case of reading through the ingredients.

When your baby is teething, you may wish to use teething gel's or powder's to ease the pain. When buying teething gel or powder ALWAYS READ THE LABEL as Lactose can be used in these products especially the powder.  If you are unsure when buying the product always ask a member of staff at the pharmacist as they can easily check for you.

Medicines and treatments
When ever your baby is prescribed medicines always inform your doctor / nurse that your baby is lactose intolerant as more than 20% of prescription drugs contain lactose.

When buying over the counter medicines ask for assistance and explain that your baby is lactose intolerant and ALWAYS CHECK THE LABEL.


Lactose lurks in the darkest of places and show up in products you wouldn't even think of. Lactose is found in many different food products such as some jellies, canned tuna and salmon. Lactose is also commonly applied to dried vegetables to prevent discolouration.

Also more than 20% of prescription drugs contain Lactose and over-the-counter medications are not Lactose Free either.

When ever buying anything that needs to be digested such as food or medications ALWAYS READ THE LABEL.

When reading a label on food, always read the Allergy Advice section first that will tell you straight away if MILK is in the food. If milk does not seem to be in the product, it is always safer to read the ingredients too, just to be on the safe side, as there is other food ingredients that surprisingly contain Lactose.